At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, we understand that safety and driving comfort are largely dependent on truck maintenance. Driving in the rain can be a hassle, especially if your vehicle isn’t prepared.
Essentially, there are a few things you can do to ease the burden of driving in the rain. Keep good quality windshield wipers installed, maintain a clean windshield, and regularly coat your windshield with Rain-X or comparable water-resistant chemicals. If applied properly, water-resistant coatings will dramatically increase visibility on rainy days. Quality windshield wipers, in good condition, are equally effective.
If your wipers don’t completely wipe away water with each pass, get them replaced. Driving in the rain is hard enough; inadequate equipment to deal with the situation only makes it that much more difficult. A clean windshield also goes a long way...rain won’t wash off the dirt that has had adequate time to adhere to your glass.
If you need new wipers, bring your truck to Sac Valley Diesel and let one of our experienced technicians get you fixed up. No matter your repair or maintenance needs, our team has you covered.
Fuel economy isn't far from the minds of our Sacramento drivers and we hear these questions daily such as: Why can certain cars zip along at close to 40 mpg while others are lucky to get anywhere near 20? As it turns out, there are as many factors that go into how well your ride does at the pumps! Here are the 10 factors that have the greatest impact on fuel consumption that we would like to share with you.
Cars, trucks, and SUVs use and create multiple liquid substances. Here’s what you need to know about the puddle of liquid under your vehicle, from Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA. There are a few different substances that can pool under an automobile, and some are more serious than others. Knowing what to look for and what to do could save you from hassle with your vehicle in the long run.
Inspecting wear and tear items on any commercial truck is a great way to make sure you stay reliably on the road. With a trained eye, a variety of issues can easily be caught before trouble arises, saving you critical time and a lot of money in the process. At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, one of our top priorities is preventative maintenance, and noticing a problem before it becomes a bigger one.
There is a reason we check your brake fluid when you come in for a service check. Maintenance pays big dividends and we want to avoid high repair costs for our Sacramento drivers. Did you know that brake service isn't just all about the brake pads, drums & rotors? That we have found low brake fluid to be the cause of a large percentage of brake issues here at Sac Valley Diesel? Seriously, brake fluid is an important part of your braking system and with your service intervals being less frequent on the newer vehicles 5,000-10,000 more miles this has become an issue! Why?...
Did you know that airbags weren't mandatory safety equipment in passenger vehicles until 1997? Now, you'll find them in well over 100 million cars and trucks on the road. Since their invention, airbags, along with the seat belt, have played a major role in reducing the number of injuries and deaths in traffic collisions.
Glow Plugs are an essential component of your diesel engine. However, a faulty glow plug can go unnoticed or be neglected for quite some time; your truck will still start and run, so it’s an easy issue to overlook. At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, we want you to know what to look for, and why you should be concerned with a bad glow plug.
Whether it’s due to damage, or simply old age, leaky trucks are a problem. At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, we can fix that for you.
Water leaks are common and hazardous. Not only do they cause rust, rot, and mold damage to your trucks, they also put any cargo inside at risk. No customer wants their boxes and products to arrive water damaged - it not only makes your company look bad but can cost you a lot of money.
5630 Roseville Rd
| Sacramento, CA
(916) 514-1717
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