Windshield wipers are one of those things that you never think about until you need them. From Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, here’s a reminder to keep yours in good shape, so you’re ready when weather strikes.
At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA, we know your Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge pickup was designed for optimal power, torque, and towing and hauling ability, no matter what the job is. We also know that while getting up to speed in a timely fashion is important, your diesel pickup’s ability to stop is equally essential.
If you drive a diesel vehicle, it’s because you know that quality matters. At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA, we built our reputation on quality. We chose to work on quality products because it’s something that we ourselves believe in, and strive for daily.
Transmission fluid leaks can often be a pain to track down. If you have a leaky transmission, Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA has some information for you on what you can expect. We’ve repaired countless leaky transmissions, and now we’re here to share some of our knowledge with you.
There comes a time in the life of every fleet vehicle or commercial truck when you have to decide - is it time to retire that truck or van, or should you put the money into fixing it? At Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA, we’re here to help.
Obviously, your brakes are essential. However, it’s easy to neglect or ignore brake issues, and even miss them altogether; as long as the truck still stops, many people don’t see the need to have their brakes serviced. From Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA, here are some common brake issues, and why you should fix them.
Transmission failure rarely happens out of the blue - there’s a good chance a transmission will give you a good amount of warning before kicking the bucket. Here are some things you can watch out for, from Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA.
Your Dodge, Ford, or Chevy diesel pickup will rarely quit on you all of a sudden, with no warning. Chances are, your truck has been trying to tell you there’s an issue for a while - here’s what to watch out for, from Sac Valley Diesel in Sacramento, CA.
5630 Roseville Rd
| Sacramento, CA
(916) 514-1717
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